Devola | Nier Automata Wiki (2024)


Devola | Nier Automata Wiki (1)
Gender Female
Other Name/s デボル
Voice Actor Ryoko Shiraishi (JP)
Eden Riegel (EN)

Devola is an NPCin NieR: Automata. Devola along with Popola, isan old-style android at the resistance camp who feel indebted to their model of machines that ran wild long ago. They'll act as support to 2B and 9S. make their first appearance together at the Resistance Camp. Pod 153 describes them as rare android models designed for medical treatment and maintenance.NPCsare characters aside from the main player character that can be interacted with or encountered during the game. These NPCs provide additional dialogue, information, services, items or additional Quests and rewards when interacting with them. Various Shopkeepers, Operators, and some senient Machines will be classified as NPC inNieR: Automata. Find information on all Devola interactions, services or related quests below or view NPCs to view a list of all available NPCs in the game.

Don't die alone

DevolaInformationNieR Automata

  • Popola's Sister, also featured in the previous title, NieR Replicant
  • They were placed to oversee a large-scale system that was put in place.
  • Rare android models designed for medical treatment and maintenance.

NieR Replicant:

  • Devola is a bard and is a regular performer at the tavern in Nier's village. Popola, her twin sister, is the librarian in charge of the village library. Both sisters are considered the leaders of the village and are always looking out for Nier's daughter (sister in RepliCant) Yonah during his frequent absences. Devola is the one who gives him side missions.When the player reaches the Shadowlord's Castle, it is revealed that both Devola and Popola are androids working for Project Gestalt. The twins are revealed to have lived for thousands of years as a result of the initial experiments of the project, and have thus been charged with keeping eye on other experiments as a result: namely over the members of the entire party, including Yonah. They were made to provide support when the day has come for Gestalts to return to the Replicant's vessels. They are tasked with extracting data from Gestalts' souls, making new Replicants' bodies, and returning a dead Replicant's data to its Gestalt. It is also revealed that the Sealed Verses originated from the experimentation on them both, stating that they only loaned Grimoire Weiss a fraction of their power, thus meaning that their magic and capabilities are far superior to that of Grimoire Weiss.
  • While her twin sister is a bard who is a regular performer at the tavern in Nier's village, Popola is the librarian in charge of the village library. Both sisters are considered the leaders of the village and are always looking out for Nier's daughter/sister Yonah during his frequent absences. Popola is the one who gives him missions for the main storyline.It is revealed when the player is in theShadowlord's Castlethat both Devola and Popola are android scientists/observers for Project Gestalt. The twins are revealed to have lived for thousands of years as a result of the initial experiments of the project, and have thus been charged with keeping eye on other experiments as a result: namely over the members of the entire party, including Yonah. They were made to provide support when the day has come for Gestalts to return to the Replicant's vessels. They are tasked with extracting data from Gestalts' souls, making new Replicants' bodies, and returning a dead Replicant's data to its Gestalt.

    "Those two have watched the world wither for time immemorial. The cruelness of such a fate is difficult to imagine."
    —Weiss, after the twins are revealed as androids.
    Before dying, the twins revealed that theSealed Versesoriginated from the experimentation on them both, stating that they only loanedGrimoire Weissa fraction of their power. Thus, meaning that their magic and capabilities are far superior to that of Grimoire Weiss.

Devola Related Quests in NieR Automata

  • The Twins' Request
  • Devola's Request(C route)

Devola Location and Where to findinNieR Automata

  • Both appear to aid YoRHa 9S at the Resistance Campduring the main questline

Devola Trivia, Note & TipsNieR Automata

  • DevolaNieR: Automata Notes, Tips and other Trivia.

Devola & PopolaImage Gallery NieR Automata

NieR: Automata All NPCs

22B4S64B8BAdamAnemoneAnimal-loving MachineApologetic MachineBig Sister MachineChild MachineCommanderDevola PopolaEmilEveFather MachineFather ServoFriend MachineHigh-Speed MachineJackassJean-PaulJulietLittle Sister MachineMachine in LoveMachine with a DreamMachine with MakeupMasamuneMaster Swordsmith MasamuneMother MachineOperator 210Operator 21OOperator 60Operator 6OPascalPod 042Pod 153PopolaRed GirlRomeoSartreScientist MachineWeird MachineYorha 2BYorha 9SYorha A2YoRHa: Gunner 16

Devola | Nier Automata Wiki (2024)


What is the difference between Popola and Devola? ›

Devola is a bard and regular performer at the tavern in Nier's village. She is often seen performing an acoustic rendition of Song of the Ancients at the village fountain. Popola, her twin sister, is the librarian in charge of the village library.

Why does 2B keep killing 9S? ›

While classified as a "B" model, she is really a disguised "E" (Executioner) model, who is aware of the truth about YoRHa – that humanity had gone extinct long ago, following the events of Nier. Her orders are to kill the scanner android 9S, deleting his memories, whenever he learns too much.

Is 2B actually 2E? ›

A2 further learns that 2B's real designation was "2E", an "executioner" unit assigned to repeatedly kill 9S whenever he discovers the truth about humanity, and that 9S was aware of this. 9S—now insane and infected with the logic virus—challenges A2 to a fight, prompting the player to choose a character.

What happened to Devola and Popola? ›

The Devola/Popola observer units were produced in, if not mass numbers, then significant ones– I believe our Devola and Popola are units 23 and 24, and they were both killed at the end of NIER.

What is Kainé's gender in Nier? ›

Kainé's storyline focuses around her quest for revenge against a monstrous Shade called Hook, and her history of discrimination due to being possessed by a Shade and being born intersex. Kainé was created by Yoko Taro, director and story writer of Nier, as an unconventional female-identifying lead.

Why are there two versions of Nier? ›

Due to its high violence, the game was given a CERO D rating in Japan. In Japan, two versions of the game were released; Nier Gestalt for the 360 which would use the adult lead, and Nier Replicant for the PS3 which used the young lead.

Why are 2bs eyes covered? ›

also it plays onto the philosophical side of the game, notice how the operators wear mouth covers, speak no evil, while the blindfolds, see no evil, its meant to represent 2B's blindness to the truth and the operators' inability to speak the truth.

Is 2B canonically dead? ›

It is revealed that after detonating their black boxes, 2B's data was uploaded back to the Bunker and transferred to a new body, ensuring her survival.

Does 2B actually love 9S? ›

Yet even current fans of his games confuse 2B's love for 9S as platonic or sisterly because she cannot openly express her emotions. Even so, in the game, 2B is not as good at hiding her emotions as she believes she does. Her characterization in the anime adaptation so far lives up to that claim.

How old is 2B in human years? ›

2B mid late twenties, 9S 16-18. It's Japan, so about 14 and 6. 2B is early 20. Already close to adult age, but doesn't want to be called as old (9S called her m'am).

How tall is 2B canonically? ›

According to Nier: Automata Guide Book, 2B's three-sizes are B: 84cm; W:56cm; H:88cm. Her height is 168cm (including heels). Her weight is 148.8kg.

Why does 2B wear a mask? ›

The Mask. Operators aboard the Bunker wear This not only can explain the veils upon the Operators faces, but the blindfold that 2B wears.. 2B's iconic appearance would not be quite the same without her blindfold. The blindfold acts as a visor for YoRHa androids and doesn't restrict .

How did humanity go extinct in Nier? ›

Unfortunately, during a critical moment, the process that was meant to fuse the bodies and souls back together was interrupted and one of the key parts of the project, the Shadowlord, was killed. Without the Shadowlord, there was nothing anymore that could help stabilize humanity's souls, leading to their decay.

Did Nier love Kainé? ›

Because both final endings seem to imply that Nier harbored feelings for Kainé, many fans view the love between the two characters as mutual and requited.

Why did the villagers hate Kainé? ›

Kaine is unfairly made a pariah twice over; ostracized once for being intersex, and again for being possessed by a shade kept mostly under her control. Though she detests those who rejected her she still chooses to camp just outside the village.

What is a Popola in Dominican slang? ›

The term "popola" is used to refer to the watermelon fruit as well as the female sex organ. It was considered disrespectful to women. The song's musical aesthetics lean heavily toward the Dominican musical genre of merengue.

Why are Devola and Popola blamed? ›

Because of their failure to stop Nier, Devola and Popola model androids everywhere were blamed entirely for the project's failure. As a result, all future Devola and Popola models were hardwired to harbor constant guilt over their predecessors' failure, and most other androids regarded them with scorn and suspicion.

How do you get Devola and Popola to sing together? ›

Quest log
  1. Have Devola and Popola sing a song for you. Discuss the matter with both of them.
  2. Apparently, Popola needs a special drink in order to sing. ...
  3. The drink is made of certain special ingredients. ...
  4. You collected the ingredients. ...
  5. You successfully created the drink. ...
  6. The sisters have sung their song...

Are Devola and Popola robots? ›

Devola and Popola are revealed at the end of NieR to be androids, their purpose being to monitor the Replicants and facilitate Project Gestalt along with many other Devolas and Popolas around the world.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.