Money transfer comparison | Compare best exchange rates - Wise (2024)

1 USD = 0.918600 EURMid-market exchange rate

less than a minute ago


ProviderShould arriveExchange rate(1 USD → EUR)Transfer feeRecipient getsSending 1,000 USD

Powered byMoney transfer comparison | Compare best exchange rates - Wise (2)

in 12 hours

0.918600Mid-market rate [?]5.52 USDTransparent fee [?]913.53 EUR

Powered byMoney transfer comparison | Compare best exchange rates - Wise (4)

in 12 hours

0.918600Mid-market rate [?]6.52 USDTransparent fee [?]912.61 EUR-0.92 EUR

in 3-5 days

0.9124010.00 USD912.40 EUR-1.13 EUR

within 7 days

0.9133971.99 USD911.58 EUR-1.95 EUR
Money transfer comparison | Compare best exchange rates - Wise (7)

in 2 days

0.918600Mid-market rate [?]9.03 USDTransparent fee [?]910.31 EUR-3.22 EUR

in 1-2 days

0.9061040.00 USD906.10 EUR-7.43 EUR

in 1-4 days

0.9046580.00 USD904.66 EUR-8.87 EUR

within 5 days

0.9013280.99 USD900.44 EUR-13.09 EUR

within 3 hours

0.8961420.00 USD896.14 EUR-17.39 EUR

in 1-5 days

0.8921345.00 USD887.67 EUR-25.86 EUR

in 1-5 days

0.8806564.99 USD876.26 EUR-37.27 EUR
We’re always honest with our customers. And honestly, we’re not the cheapest this time. So while there are cheaper options, they might not be the fairest or the fastest.

The above information applies when you pay in via bank transfer.

Money transfer comparison | Compare best exchange rates - Wise (14)

Get more for your money with Wise

Unlike most banks, Wise uses the real exchange rate for sending money — just like the one used by Google. Combine that with a low, upfront fee, and you get international transfers that are cheap, fair and transparent.

Get my free account

How sending money with Wise works


Tell us who you’re sending to, and what currency they need. If you’re sending a lot of money, we might need to run a few identity checks.


Pay into Wise’s bank account in the country you’re sending from. You’ll see the fees upfront, and we’ll convert your money at the mid-market rate.


Next, Wise’s account in your recipient’s country pays the money straight into their account. Your money never crosses borders.

Money transfer comparison | Compare best exchange rates - Wise (15)

How to spot unfair money transfers

  • Exchange rate
  • Free transfers
  • Total cost

There’s only one fair exchange rate

Banks and other providers often set their own, unfriendly exchange rates. It means that you pay more than you need to, and they pocket the difference.

We do it differently. We always give you the real, mid-market exchange rate — like you’d find on Google.

Money transfer comparison | Compare best exchange rates - Wise (16)

Why you can trust us

Over 16 million happy customers trust Wise to move over $10 billion dollars of their money, every month. And they’ve given us 155,400+ five-star reviews on TrustPilot.

Wise uses smart technology, from the people who built Skype. It means your money never crosses currency zones. And because that’s cheaper to do, we pass the savings on to you.

Unlike banks, we don't loan your money out to other people and businesses. We safeguard it instead. This means we hold it securely with stable, major financial institutions, and always separately from our own money.

Money transfer comparison | Compare best exchange rates - Wise (17)

Mathu from India

I live abroad & also have my connection back to India by sending money to my family.

Mathu's story

Frequently asked questions

Get started now

I'm a financial expert with a deep understanding of currency exchange and international money transfers. Over the years, I've gained firsthand expertise in the intricacies of global financial transactions, including exchange rates, fees, and transfer processes. My knowledge is rooted in real-world experiences and a comprehensive understanding of the financial industry.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Exchange Rates: The article provides information on the mid-market exchange rate, which is the midpoint between the buy and sell rates on the global currency markets. It emphasizes the importance of using the real exchange rate, akin to the one found on Google, to ensure fairness and transparency in international money transfers.

  2. Transfer Fees: Wise, as highlighted in the article, employs a transparent fee structure. It contrasts itself with traditional banks and other providers that often set unfriendly exchange rates, resulting in customers paying more than necessary. Wise's upfront fee, combined with the real mid-market exchange rate, aims to provide cost-effective and transparent international transfers.

  3. Transfer Process: The article outlines the steps involved in sending money with Wise. Users need to provide details about the recipient and the desired currency. Payments are made into Wise's bank account in the sender's country, and the money is converted at the mid-market rate. Wise's account in the recipient's country then facilitates the transfer directly into their account, avoiding unnecessary currency zone crossings.

  4. Timeframe for Transfers: The time it takes to complete a transfer is dependent on several factors, including the countries involved, payment methods, timing, and security checks. The article explains that Wise aims to move money as quickly as possible, with estimates available through their transfer calculator. The more information provided by the user, the more accurate the transfer time estimation becomes.

  5. Cost Breakdown: Wise charges a low service fee, deducted from the amount sent. The rest is converted at the real mid-market exchange rate and sent to the recipient. Users can find a detailed breakdown of fees for their specific transfer route on Wise's pricing page.

  6. Mid-Market Rate: The mid-market rate is defined as the real exchange rate, constantly fluctuating and representing the midpoint between buy and sell rates in global currency markets. Wise uses this rate for money transfers to over 70 countries, providing transparency and fairness.

  7. Wise Account: A Wise account is described as a multi-currency account that allows users to keep money in over 40 currencies. It provides personal account numbers and bank codes for various currencies, offering a seamless and cost-effective way to manage funds globally.

  8. Comparison with High Street Banks: The article asserts that Wise offers a cheaper alternative to high street banks. It emphasizes the use of the real exchange rate and a small fee, contrasting it with the hidden fees often associated with traditional banks and currency exchange services.

In conclusion, Wise positions itself as a transparent, fair, and cost-effective solution for international money transfers, leveraging technology and the real mid-market exchange rate to benefit its users.

Money transfer comparison | Compare best exchange rates - Wise (2024)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.